Year : 2019
Medium : Oil on canvas
Size : W 46 x H 61 cm
Door of Hope
To make light the day
Let the day touch you gently
as you see the magnificence of the ordinary
made special by your Seeing
I hope and pray that in the night
you have beautiful dreams
that give you comfort, hope and strength
to make light the day
Without Compassion there can be no Hope.
Hope is a desire for a positive outcome that requires more than one’s own actions, with a belief that this outcome is possible. Hope is a condition that is temporary and specific to a given situation. Hope reflects one’s moral values, i.e. hope is for something good. In a dire situation when there is no hope, despair rules. Compassion on the other hand, is the ability to understand and feel another person’s pain or predicament, combined with the will for action to alleviate the situation for that person. Hence, hope recognises that there is a way out of a bad situation that requires external support for a cause that is good. Compassion, or Grace, is this force for good, enabling the way out for hope to be fulfilled.