Genesis 1 of 5 – Singularity
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning”
My painting Singularity shows an abstract representation of The Beginning of the universe. The point of Creation is the divine golden dot at the touch point of the Red-Green-Blue (RGB) circle and the Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY) circle. In accordance with nomenclature in quantum chromodynamics (CRD) theory in particle physics, RBG represents the sub-particle (quark) elements of matter and the CMY those of anti-matter. Other particles (mesons) can be formed between quark / anti-quark pairs of opposite colour (e.g. R-C, G-M, B-Y) – shown in the painting as opposites. In the bottom left circle (anti-matter), the symmetry is broken as shown by the black segment. The broken circle symbolises a net excess of matter over anti-matter that allowed non-annihilated matter particles to coalesce under gravitational forces to form over two trillion galaxies in our universe. The amazing point is that the magnitude of disturbance in symmetry during the earliest moment of the universe was only 1 part in a billion. In other words: of each billion anti-matter particles in the early universe, there were a billion plus one matter particles. That imbalance was sufficient to create the universe we see today with us in it. The black segment also represents so much of the physics that we still do not understand, or have predicted but have not yet observed. The universe is thought to consist of 69% dark energy and 25% dark matter. However, neither of these has been observed to date. The particles that we know and see comprise a little over 5% of the universe only. It appears that the more we come to know, the more we realise that we know much less. The third circle on top in heavenly blue has a physics formula in it that is a shorthand form of the Lagrangian (components of potential and kinetic energy) under the four fundamental forces in the universe. The blue circle depicts that completion of understanding (and inspiration) only comes with inclusion of the divine, over and above the elements that science gives us. Of the realm of the divine, we are probably only able to ever experience a small part depicted by the abstract form for the Holy Trinity (white, silver, gold).
For those interested in the amazing convergence between science and scripture, that inspired me to make this artwork, I invite you to read on:
The mystery of the birth of the universe (and similarly the birth of life) has critical complexities that have not been solved by science. I believe that the bible offers clues to these dilemmas and these clues are very consistent with the latest observations in science. First of all, and perhaps the biggest mystery, there should be no matter in the universe, just pure energy.
Just after the birth of the universe, say the first one trillionth of a second, there was no mass at all, just pure energy. In perfect symmetry, elementary particles would have formed and annihilated back into radiation, until the universe cooled and expanded to energy levels too low for these particle events to occur and only radiation would remain. There should have been no matter, no particles, no atoms, no molecules, no galaxies, no stars, no planets, no life.
But something had happened, in the earliest fractions of time, a quantum mechanical disturbance occurred, a small but critical anomaly, a flutter, a little ripple effect, a very small, one-part-per-billion anomaly .... and everything changed.
From our current scientific understanding of how the Big Bang might have progressed in the very earliest fractions of time, general relativity theory (Einstein) proposes a gravitational singularity that breaks the perfect symmetry that existed among the four fundamental forces (electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and gravity). Up to that moment, each of these forces are postulated to have had the same strength, and were possibly even unified into one fundamental force. The tiny universe was held together by a perfect symmetry, like a sharpened pencil standing on its point… i.e. too symmetrical to last. Then the gravity force separates from the other fundamental forces (which remain unified), and the earliest elementary particles (and antiparticles) begin to be created.
The opening sentence of the old testament is profound: “In the beginning”. From a scientific, mathematical and philosophical point of view, an eternal universe that has always existed and will forever exist, would be a much easier model to work with. Options for a universe model that forever pulsates between Big Bangs and Big Shrunks, or a universe model that spontaneously and continuously creates have been disproved by latest observations in astronomy as well as by theoretical (entropy) models. This leaves only one model that predicts that there was a single starting moment of the universe. This leads to a scientifically uncomfortable realisation, how did the boundary conditions at time zero came to be? There had to be an energetic state that was defined at that moment. These perspectives come remarkably close to Creation and a Creative Force that defined the absolute start from which everything else followed ….