The illusionary future

Full Screen

Be present
now is what we have
it is all we will ever have
the future is an illusion
it will always be the future
if not present now
you will miss that too




The future is an illusionist, every time you get close to achieving a target or ambition, so that you can almost touch the Now, new targets and ambitions have taken their place.

How often have you not thought, when I pass this exam, get this promotion, have saved so much money, I can finally be satisfied and enjoy the moment. How often has this proved to be untrue. The moment came but somehow you missed the essence of it.

The future is not only an illusionist but also a drug dealer. It keeps you addicted to future highs; it blinds and blunts you for the beauty of today. When did you last stop to see a sunrise, follow a leaf playing in the wind, or willingly let the rain touch your face for the pure joy of it?

The illusion can be broken by your awareness that only this moment is Now and that the future is and always will be ... the future.

Tjen Photography - London, 2015